Tuesday 15 March 2011

Shortlist Media's new digital brand, Emerald Street, details confirmed

ShortList Media have announced the forthcoming launch of a new digital brand; Emerald Street. This is an illustrated daily update email for career-focused women, created by the journalists and editors of Stylist. The service will have a nationwide reach and relevance from launch, with five weekly, regionalised Weekend Guides.

Emerald Street has been through research and technical development over the last six months, with focus groups and online users testing versions of the email, allowing the editorial team to develop the concept.

Running the daily service is online editor Anna Fielding. Taking the role of Associate Publisher is Olivia Smith who joins from InStyle.

Stylist’s acting Editor Susan Riley says: “Emerald Street encompasses the full breadth of content demanded by the modern, educated female audience - not only up-to-the-minute style news but also thoughtful pieces on art, culture, careers and books. With the expertise of Stylist’s 18 journalists and editors behind it, Emerald Street is a service our readers will love.”