Esquire has handpicked the 12 finalists in the hunt for
Britain’s Best Dressed Real Man 2010, in association with Harrods. The men’s monthly wanted guys who had flair, individuality, an understanding of the basic rules of menswear, a sense of how to put a look together, and who could take an outfit and make it their own. A judging panel of leading designers, fashion critics and style experts including Vincent Kartheiser, star of TV drama Mad Men, Savile Row tailor Richard James, Harrods Head of Menswear Jason Broderick, international designer Roland Mouret and T4 presenter Jameela Jamil will join Esquire Editor Jeremy Langmead to decide on the final three from the shortlisted 12. The winner will be announced in next month’s October issue. The overall winner will receive £30,000 worth of designer clothes from Harrods, a Longines watch, an Esquire drinks bar from the magazine's new home collection with Halo, and the cover of the October subscribers' issue. The 12 finalists of Esquire’s Best Dressed Real Man 2010 are: Adrian Cano from Brighton, John Brown from Manchester, Peter Masters from Manchester, Jack Vaughn from Leeds, Jack Murray from Liverpool, Michael Munro-Dunn from Stockbridge, Paul Anthony Smith from London, Winston Chesterfield from London, Matthew Zorpas from London, Ross Hancock from London, Johnny Harrison from London, Prince Cassius from London.